Women are born with approximately 1,000,000 eggs. This number then begins to decrease until puberty, at which point it is estimated that only around 300,000 remain.  After reaching 35 years of age, the number of eggs decreases progressively. 

We can therefore say that the ovarian reserve and the quantity of Anti-Müllerian Hormone secreted is reduced.

How can I find out my ovarian reserve?

To find out your ovarian reserve, Fertility Madrid offers female patients the possibility of determining the quantity of Anti-Müllerian Hormone by way of a simple blood test.

This test does not require you to be fasted.

What is the Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) and what does it measure?

The Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by the granulosa cells of ovarian follicles that have not been selected for ovulation, making it a perfect option to show both oocyte quantity and quality.

AMH decreases progressively with age, and its decline is the earliest sign of ovarian aging. Alterations in other hormones such as FSH or estradiol then start to appear. This test is therefore useful as it helps us find out the state of the ovary much earlier, and even an approximation as to when a woman might experience menopause.

Put simply, the analysis of this hormone is used to see how many valid eggs a woman still has in her ovaries.

What are the reference values for its analysis?

The current reference ranges for the Anti-Müllerian Hormone are as follows:

  • Normal ovarian reserve: levels between 1-3 ng/ml
  • Good ovarian reserve: levels above 3 ng/ml
  • Low ovarian reserve: levels below 0.9 ng/ml
  • Very low ovarian reserve: <0.5 ng/ml
AMH Levels (ng/ml)Ovarian Reserve

Knowing its value helps us to make certain decisions as to how long you can wait to become a mother, whether it is advisable or not to preserve eggs, if it is convenient to bring motherhood forward, or if you should consider undergoing an assisted reproduction treatment.

Measuring AMH is very useful in women who require fertility treatments, as the degree of ovarian aging allows for less or more efficient results.

Alongside the age of the patient and the follicle count undertaken via an ultrasound, AMH enables us to indicate whether or not a reproductive therapy is possible, the most appropriate technique, or predict the response to ovarian stimulation, prescribe the most appropriate medication and dosage, in addition to measuring the success of assisted reproduction treatments.

In oncology patients who have undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatments, the AMH is very important as it gives us an assessment of the ovarian damage that these treatments may have caused.

The determination of AMH is becoming a fundamental tool at our Reproduction Centres, as it has several advantages over other tests. It can be performed on any day during the menstrual cycle (not only on the third day, as is the case with FSH), nor is it accompanied by an ultrasound (as is the case with a follicle count). The AMH DOES NOT vary during the menstrual cycle.

The blood test performed to measure the levels of Anti-Müllerian Hormone is the main test used to find out your ovarian reserve.

However, it should be noted that each woman may have a different ovarian reserve and therefore a different AMH depending on her age, genetics and the environment to which she has been exposed throughout her life. In other words, the chances of becoming pregnant are related to the age and ovarian reserve of each individual woman.

Interpret the result of your AMH

Select the measurement in which you have received your results
Enter the value obtained from your Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) test
To interpret your result correctly, please indicate your date of birth

Anti-Müllerian Hormone test in Madrid

At Fertility Madrid, we use the most advanced assisted reproduction techniques available on the market.

You can take the Anti-Müllerian Fertility Test at our assisted reproduction clinic. Book an appointment or contact us for more information.