Once you have decided to have a child, you can’t pinpoint the time it will take you to get pregnant. But you can follow some general guidelines that will make getting pregnant easier. At Fertility Madrid we encourage you to plan your pregnancy in advance.  

Frequent Doubts about Trying to Get Pregnant

According to different specialists, there are no guidelines for the frequency of sexual relations. They should be frequent but not defined by a specific schedule. As much as possible it’s best to avoid over-thinking, doing ovulation tests or taking your temperature, in an effort to try to predict something that isn’t very reliable. Setting days, times or positions only increases psychological pressure and anxiety.

Even though it’s not an essential element in getting pregnant, the psychological component can be a factor in becoming pregnant.

A woman’s window of fertility is quite long, from about 6 days before ovulation to approximately 1 day after ovulation. For this reason, it is not necessary to adhere to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

It’s important to know that humans do not have a high reproductive capacity. There is a 25% chance that a pregnancy can occur from sexual relations during the time when a woman is ovulating.

For young women (20-29 years old) it is said that intercourse is required 108 times in order to get pregnant.

Sexual positions and post-sexual practices do not influence fertility.