Nowadays, many couples have trouble conceiving naturally and decide to turn to assisted reproduction treatments. There are also other reasons why these treatments are sought out including couples with two women or women who chose to have a child on their own.

At Fertility Madrid we personalize your treatment to your specific case. Our multidisciplinary team is available to provide you with the solutions best suited to your needs.

Frequent Doubts about Assisted Reproduction Techniques

Ovarian stimulation does not cause early menopause nor do medications like ovulation-stopping contraceptives. At birth, there are approximately 2 million primary follicles in the ovaries.

Between birth and puberty, many of the primary follicles experience an atrophy process so that about 400,000 gametes are present in a woman’s ovaries when she enters the fertile stage of her life. Of those, only about 400 will have the opportunity to fully mature, pass to the fallopian tubes and into the uterus where they could potentially be fertilized. The rest undergo a degeneration process.

A considerable number of the follicles that exist in the ovaries after puberty begin their development every month. Through ovarian stimulation, we cause multiple follicles to mature that would otherwise simply deteriorate.

In these cases, it is necessary to do an individualized evaluation for each couple based on the obtained results to determine the adequate treatment process.

In general, couples with difficulties getting pregnant should look into the underlying causes after one year of normal frequency sexual relations without using contraceptive methods.

The average length of the treatment is usually 2 weeks followed by an additional 15 days to obtain the results.

Depending on the results, the study should take 1-2 months