What is the EndomeTRIO Test?
It is a complete analysis of endometrial health. The EndomeTRIO test includes the ERA, EMMA and ALICE tests.
- ERA: This test analyses endometrial receptivity which determines the optimal moment for embryo transfer.
- EMMA: This test analyses the microbiome, which may indicate a more favourable prognosis.
- ALICE: This test analyses the bacteria causing chronic endometritis and gives a treatment recommendation.
Who is the EndomeTRIO test for?
- Women with a history of repeated miscarriage
- Women who have experienced implantation failure with good quality embryos
- Women with chronic endometritis
Why does the endometrium matter?
- The endometrium is fundamental for a healthy pregnancy
- Chronic endometritis affects 30% of infertile patients
- In cases of recurrent implantation failure or repeated miscarriages, it can be as high as 66%
- The low presence of Lactobacilli, together with the presence of some specific pathogens, is associated with poorer reproductive performance.
- 3 in 10 patients have a displaced window of implantation.
How is the EndomeTRIO test performed?
The EndomeTRIO test consists of 4 stages:
- An endometrial biopsy for examination.
- Next Generation Sequencing sample sequencing.
- Personalised report and treatment.
- Embryo transfer with a favourable microbiota.
EndometTRIO testing in Madrid
At Fertility Madrid, we use the most advanced assisted reproduction techniques available on the market.You can take the EndomeTRIO Test at our assisted reproduction clinic. Book an appointment or contact us for more information.