Egg freezing is a technique that allows women to postpone motherhood. On this page, we will explain the process step by step, from ovarian stimulation to the vitrification process in the laboratory.

We will also analyze who this technique is suitable for, chosen by women who wish to delay motherhood for personal, professional, or medical reasons. At Fertility Madrid, we have a transparent pricing policy, where you will know the costs of the procedure and the available financing options from the very beginning.

Discover how oocyte vitrification can help you plan your reproductive future with confidence and peace of mind.

What is social freezing?

Female fertility preservation, also known as egg freezing or social freezing, is a medical technique that allows women to store their eggs for future use. This process is particularly beneficial for women who wish to delay motherhood for personal reasons, such as finding the right partner or advancing in their careers. It is also a viable option for women undergoing medical treatments that may impact their reproductive capacity, such as chemotherapy.

The process involves several steps. The first part is ovarian stimulation, where medication is used to stimulate the ovaries so that the follicles can develop to an adequate size. This process requires monitoring through ultrasounds and blood tests to track follicular growth and development. The second step is egg retrieval, performed through an ovarian puncture procedure in the operating room under light anesthesia (sedation). The final step takes place in the laboratory, where the eggs are processed and prepared for vitrification.

This advanced technology ensures that the eggs maintain their quality and viability, allowing women the possibility to conceive when they are ready, regardless of the natural decline in fertility

Why is social freezing done?

Social freezing, offers multiple benefits and valid reasons for considering this option. Many women choose to preserve their fertility to increase their chances of having a healthy baby in the future, especially those facing certain diseases or medical treatments. This technique is also ideal for those who wish to postpone motherhood until it is more convenient, whether for educational goals, professional aspirations, or waiting to find the right partner. Additionally, egg freezing allows women who prioritize their careers to have the option of becoming mothers later, avoiding the implications of the natural decline in fertility with age.

There are several situations where considering egg freezing is advisable:

  • Age: If you are waiting to have children, egg preservation can be a wise option to protect your fertility before it declines. Many people choose this technique due to educational or professional goals or simply because they do not feel ready to take that step and prefer to have children later in life.
  • Cancer: Treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery for cancer can affect fertility, so freezing eggs before treatment is an important option for preserving reproductive capacity.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, along with their treatments, can cause fertility problems, making egg preservation an essential consideration.
  • Reproductive health conditions: Issues such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids can make pregnancy difficult, so freezing eggs can offer a solution for preserving fertility.
  • Gender reassignment: Individuals undergoing gender reassignment treatments may experience changes in their reproductive capacities. Preserving embryos, eggs, or sperm before treatment is an option to maintain the possibility of having children in the future.

In summary, social freezing or egg freezing provides a powerful tool for planning and protecting reproductive future, offering peace of mind and control over decisions related to motherhood at different stages of life and in various medical and personal circumstances.

Freezing eggs

It is medically proven that the peak fertility in women occurs between the ages of 20 and 30. After turning 30, this capacity begins to decline, with a significant acceleration after 35. By the age of 40, only about 5 out of 100 women are able to conceive naturally, and nearly 70% are unable to achieve pregnancy.

The main reason for the decline in fertility with age lies in the quality and quantity of eggs. At 30, obtaining a viable embryo might require about 6 eggs, while at 43, this number can rise to 18 eggs. In fertility preservation treatment, ovulation is induced to collect as many mature eggs as possible.

As women age, their ovaries produce fewer eggs and of poorer quality, significantly reducing the chances of achieving pregnancy both naturally and through assisted reproduction treatments like IVF. It is common to resort to donor eggs to achieve pregnancy.

Egg freezing allows the quality of the eggs to be maintained at the level they were when vitrified. For example, if a woman freezes her eggs at 30, she can use them even a decade later without fear of quality loss, preserving similar chances of pregnancy as when she was 30.

If you want to become a mother but haven’t decided when, it is wise to establish a backup plan that allows you to plan your future motherhood without risks. The ideal time to preserve fertility is before the age of 35

Who is egg freezing suitable for?

Women who postpone motherhood for various reasons or due to economic or work circumstances.

  • Patients who, for ethical reasons, do not wish to vitrify embryos.
  • Women with a low ovarian response who wish to accumulate oocytes over several cycles.
  • Patients at risk of ovarian function loss due to medical treatment, illness, or endometriosis
  • Patients who are going to undergo gender reassignment treatment.

How are eggs frozen?

Egg freezing is a process that begins with taking medication for 10 to 15 days to stimulate the ovaries and retrieve the eggs. Subsequently, the patient undergoes a minor surgical procedure to extract the necessary eggs, which are then frozen (vitrified) using ultra-rapid freezing techniques that keep the cells intact. The eggs will be preserved until the patient decides it is the right time to become a mother.

In this initial phase, a detailed explanation of the process, specialized counseling, and thorough medical evaluations are included. Routine gynecological exams, as well as blood test, will be conducted to ensure the patient’s health and safety.

Ovarian stimulation in fertility preservation treatment involves using hormonal medications to mature multiple antral follicles. Naturally, women develop and mature only one egg per cycle. However, hormonal medication aims to promote the growth of several antral follicles to increase the number of mature eggs available for preservation. During the stimulation process, medical monitoring with ultrasound and blood tests is performed to track the treatment’s progress.

Egg retrieval or follicular puncture, a crucial phase of the fertility preservation process, is performed approximately two weeks after starting hormonal medication. This procedure is carried out in the operating room under light anesthesia (sedation) and involves aspirating the antral follicles to obtain the oocytes precisely and controlled.

The obtained oocytes undergo treatment and preparation for cryopreservation. This procedure includes using cryoprotectants before freezing through vitrification, ensuring they are preserved in optimal conditions until the desired future use. Oocyte cryopreservation maintains the eggs at a temperature of -196°C, where cellular metabolism completely stops, ensuring indefinite preservation.

Social freezing costs

Social freezing – freezing your eggs

75 €/month
  • Gynecological check-up
  • Hormone analysis
  • Ultrasound screening
  • Puncture (egg extraction)
  • Vitrification of eggs (2 years of maintenance fees)
* Does not include

Outpatient pharmacological treatment. ICSI Fertilization + embryo transfer.
Maintenance from the 3rd year: 350€/year


Success rates can vary significantly based on your age and the number of eggs frozen. To give you an estimate of success in obtaining eggs, we need to assess your ovarian reserve and the quality of the eggs. This requires a gynecological consultation and evaluation.

Ideally, before the age of 35. However, even if you are outside this age range, it is important to consult to explore your options.

Egg cryopreservation allows them to be stored at -196ºC, halting cellular metabolism and ensuring indefinite preservation.

According to studies, the risks are minimal.

Investing in egg freezing can be considered a reproductive insurance for women who wish to delay motherhood. It offers the opportunity to preserve fertility when age might affect egg quality. It is worth considering if you plan to delay conception for personal or professional reasons and want to maximize your options for having children later in life.

You can choose to discard them, donate them for scientific research, or donate them to help other women facing difficulties in conceiving.

No, it doesn’t. When we freeze your eggs, we only harvest the eggs that would naturally be released that month. This means your overall ovarian reserve remains unaffected by the egg freezing process.